
Questions: Contact Kathy Persley BBEI Admin P: 816-479-0730   Send Us a Message Contact Name Email Address * Phone Company Subject * Which Best Describes your question? Help Fiinding a Black Owned Business Adding Your Business to the Directory Marketing & Sponsorship Opportunities Want to become an Ambassador Other Other If you are…

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THE BUY BLACK EMPOWERMENT INITIATIVE (BBEI) COMMITTEES AND GOALS Education Goals: To inform and educate members of our community of the benefits of patronizing, supporting and growing Black Owned Businesses.   Development Goals: Research data on Black Owned businesses and their impact on job creation, wealth development, community stabilization and safe neighborhoods. Develop strategies to…

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UPCOMING EVENTS PREVIOUS EVENTS Tell us why you Buy Black? Buy Black Weekend 8th Annual Event! We will have 2 days of interactive online shopping, entertainment, contests, & Giveaways! We are here to support Black-Owned Business for this Family Friendly FREE Event! Register for the event here: We have vending opportunities Available and you…

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Buy Black KC

FIND A BUSINESS TODAY BUY BLACK BUSINESS DIRECTORY Buying Black to Support Black Owned Businesses, Reduce Unemployment and Improve Our Communities. DOWNLOAD THE APP- BUY BLACK APP The App is FREE to download on Android & iPhone. DOWNLOAD APP BUY BLACK Stay up to date on our latest events and Flash Markets. Join Our Mailing…

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